Thursday, September 22, 2016

“Draw Nearer to God” : Find Joy in the Gospel

Learning in-depth about the Atonement of Jesus Christ has really opened my eyes to the blessing I truly have to live! I find myself on occassion feeling really sad and empty, wishing for classes to end so I can sit at home and do absolutely nothing. When I feel this way, I turn to music, pinterest, instagram for comfort. These things usually leave me feeling self-concious and give me thoughts of low self-esteem.

However, when I turn to the scriptures, I feel at ease and comforted. The emptiness I feel may not disappear completely and I still have to work through these moments, but reading the words of my Savior really helps to lighten my spirit!

Going through my daily scripture study, I came across a scripture that I've highlighted prevously. Found in the Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 5:27, says:

"And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness."

This scripture also reminded me of Psalms 144:15,

"Happy is that people, that is in such a case: 
yea, happy is that people, whose God is the Lord." 

I love these two scriptures becuase they give hope to those who believe in Jesus Christ! If He is your God, then happy are you, His child!

We can be happy knowing that we are blessed to make spiritually informed decisions that lead us to lasting happiness whereas many people of the world do not have this blessing. We can be happy knowing that there is a God above, a life beyond this mortal one, a Savior who loves us perfectly and understands us better than we understand ourselves! Sometimes it can be hard to fight our feelings of sadness and depression, but we can always know, even if we can't feel, that we are a happy and blessed people because of this Gospel! 

Saturday, September 17, 2016

“Draw Nearer to God” : Servants of God

As I was contemplating ways I could improve myself and strengthen my testimony, I was given the opportunity to serve with BYU Habitat for Humanity. This was a wonderful experience that has lightened my soul and helping me draw closer to my Heavenly Father!

Service is an amazing way to get to know people and to share experiences with others from all backgrounds! I was able to go to the Restore Habitat for Humanity outlet in Spanish Fork, Utah through BYU's YServe organization! This organization is how HFH is able to afford the costs of building homes for low-income families throughout the area. My group was assigned to organize and unbox items to be sold in the Restore. The service was simple, yet I learned to appreciate what I have and the blessing my help can be to others.

I thought of 3 scriptures as I was working at this project. The first is found in 1 Samuel 16:7,

"...For the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart."

This scripture correlates to service because that which you do to improve your testimony shines in your heart! When you give your heart to others in service, you give your heart to God! I also thought of both service scripture masteries, Matthew 25:40 and Mosiah 2:17. These scriptures teach the value and principles of service! 

The Lord has blessed us with talents and abilities that we can learn to strengthen and improve! I have the ability to serve others and I am nurturing the part of me that loves serving others! It is an amazing feeling to know that you are contributing to a great work. The best service we can give is the service from the heart! The greatest service we will perform is that done in the Temple of the Lord! The work we do for those who cannot do for themselves is vital to their salvation and to the building of our faith!

"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my bretheren, ye have done it unto me." 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

“Draw Nearer to God” : Dearest Child

It is hard to start college. I waited all summer for it, so excited to experience change, challenges, and growth. College is exactly what I expected, but not exactly what I hoped for! I don't want to go into personal details, but that is why this week's scripture has meant so much to me! 

As everyone does, I have a few problems in my life that I am constantly struggling to fight through; mostly revolving around my social skills. When it comes to making friends, I would say I am slightly unpracticed. Sure, I am friendly, but I usually cannot think of anything to say beyond "What's your name/major/hometown...?" For a majority of people, this can be intimidating or annoying, and most people walk away from me. I understand, and at times I am not at all sure I want to be friends with everyone I speak too, which is nothing against those people. The Lord has blessed me with certain talents and abilities, things that I like to share with others. However, He has also challenged me with this particular issue as He knows it will help me grow as I continue to work hard at it. 

The scripture that has made a profound impression in my mind and heart comes from Doctrine and Covenants 6:16 . God is the only one who knows me! He knows every last detail of my everything and is the only one who can truly help me! God knows what I desire to say, and that I even have a desire to speak with people. I tell Him these things because I know He will help me. 

Some days are easier than others; sometimes I surprise myself by being unnaturally outgoing and its great, other days I am the silent recluse awkwardly sitting/standing with a group of social butterflies. I have a lot to learn about myslef, and because my Heavenly parents know me so completely I have to learn to give my trust and faith into them to make me the person I aspire to be! 

I am good at hiding what I am thinking and how I am feeling. It's not something I conciously decide to hide, it naturally happens, and I have to remember to show emotion! :) I may hide my heart from the world, but God knows what is there and what I want! He loves me so much, He is always willing to give me chance after chance to speak with people. This is both healthy and despairing. I am thankful for the opportunity to grow and stretch myself to try new things, and thankful that God knows what will help me and my capabilities. 

If you will turn to the Lord, and let Him into your heart, He will be there to help you grow and love others!!