Friday, June 16, 2017

Sunshine Never Sleeps

“Happiness can be found in even the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light” - Albus Dumbledore 

I agree with the wise professor— but I also believe that light and happiness are always there, if only you remember to remove the blindfold, open your eyes, take a step back, and find the source!

Our challenges and problems in life can be so suffocating sometimes. Darkness that never seems to leave and light that never seems to find its way through. When that’s all we can see and all we know, it is hard to believe that there is light, that there is another way— a solution.

Yet we all know that the sun still shines in space when we experience nightfall; the light never goes out and its influence never gone unfelt.

If we consider what a bully, or an illness like depression, does to its victim or host we can recognize the greater symbolism for life. A bully will begin targeting a victim with little insults at first, escalating to repeated offenses that lead to casually stated death threats and such. Depression often begins with a sadness that lingers longer that normal, it grows over time or overnight and becomes a completely incapacitating enemy of our minds and body. If the victim continues to adhere to the bully’s whispers and threats, then the victim loses track of the light. They begin to believe the darkness and see it expanding endlessly before their very eyes. If they continue to look at the darkness all sense and memory of light is removed. Depression will feed on your very being if you give into its heavy presence.

The solution is to take a step back from the darkness and see what it is doing to you, see that its making itself appear bigger than it truly has power to be. The goal is to take a step through the darkness to the other side; all the light you thought you’d lost will be there. On the other side of the world, the sun is still shining. When you wake up, its back in your life.

The goal is seldom reached alone, help is always needed! Remembering the ones who bring light into our lives — the One who does — is essential to overcoming personal darknesses.

Right now, because of the media, it seems our country is crumbling to dust — our values and beliefs. If you think about it though, the darkness that seems overwhelming and ever present can be defeated. Don’t give it power to stop you from succeeding. Don’t let the overstimulation of bad news deplete your cache of positivity and hope. Sunshine never sleeps, and darkness can be destroyed with light!

Have hope for the future, and participate in actively restoring the light to the heavy but weak darkness.

We don’t have to bare these burdens alone, Jesus Christ is and has always been there to lighten the load and to take away the darkness. God also loves us beyond what we can imagine but has given us a glimpse through Christ, parents, family, friends, and humanity.

Fondly, Jocelyn Trishell

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