Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Thoughts About Going Away to College

Responsibility. It’s new(ish); it’s liberating; it’s terrifying; it’s exhilarating!

Becoming an adult has its perks.. one of them being freedom to make your own choices with high impact! ‘College' is typically considered to be an adult-fresh-out-of-high-school experience. <— If not relevant, college still rocks!

Leaving your family, friends, and life behind to go start a new one can be daunting. Here are some thoughts I had about going away to college:

Yay! You got accepted to college (preferably dream one)!! Now what? Do you have financial aid/scholarships/loans? Does it cover costs like tuition, housing, meal plan, books? Will I need a job? Can I even handle a job with all of my classes? **Try to get an on-campus job since they’re the most flexible with student schedules, or look at VERY nearby work positions to campus, or try something online. I worked on-campus my first semester at the food court, then my second as a custodian!

Woah. College classes! My teachers in high school always said to prepare for the college load. How do I know if I am prepared? **I suggest setting goals to manage your time during the week with a schedule/planner. Set aside time for studying, social fluff, and sleep! Don’t forget food prep, laundry and cleaning too :)

I am basically moving out! Where am I living? On-campus versus off-campus housing? Transportation to and from campus/classes. **I think many universities require freshman year on campus so definitely take time to research housing and locations to campus activities and classes! Keep up with cleaning since most housing on and off campus have some sort of cleaning checks. Delegate chores with roommates if applicable.

Classes! What is required for the general education credits? Do I have a major/minor? What are my grade goals? **I suggest looking through the classes offered for the GE’s and then look into preReq’s for your desired classes and major classes. Consider if you want all morning classes, afternoon classes, or evening classes. Plan according to what you know you can handle time wise but try to challenge yourself a little bit! Also consider your credits for each semester and sign up for what you can handle and have time to devote to those classes.

Meeting people and getting involved! Could we be friends? Does this club exist? How much should I really do right now? **Remember this is supposed to be as fun as it is challenging! Get involved in one or two clubs which typically meet once weekly and create study groups! Participate in most of the campus affiliated parties/activities because the student council and clubs have some pretty great parties!

I still have a family at home! How’s mom? How’s dad? How did my sister do in volleyball? How is my brother doing in chemistry? ** Your family misses you more than you could ever know! In the midst of all your fun stuff, remember to call your family once a week at least! They want to hear from you and your siblings look up to you. Your mom wants to hear about all the boys, girls-night-outs, and everything!

I’ve come so far since high school! I hope I have fun! I hope I achieve great things! I hope I have the best year ever! ** You have come so far! You’re ready to tackle your future and you’ll succeed if you really try! Remember it’s importance but keep a positive spirit because you’re on your way to conquer the world! Here’s to the best beginning!

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