Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Christ Encourages Change

We are blessed spirits to be here on this Earth — we have the Gospel of Jesus Christ, families, technology, and a hope for the future! God takes care of us, His beautiful children! 

My life has been beyond blessed to have Jesus Christ as my Savior and Redeemer. He rescues me everyday from sin and gives me peace and hope. I am encouraged to become my best self because He believes in me! 

I am currently trying to improve my life by being more positive and setting goals that I am determined to keep. I have so much to be grateful for and am thankful that God inspires change! 

As a disciple of Christ, I am willing to be different from the world and from the person I was yesterday. I have each new day as a fresh start to rely on Him and to bring His Gospel to all of the amazing people on this Earth. 

It is never too late to change and grow into the person you want to be. You can be happier, healthier, stronger, wiser, wealthier, and more spiritual through persistence and diligence in achieving these things. Christ promises us the ultimate joy and happiness when we rely on Him and realize that our trials can be overcome! 

Stay positive! You can only succeed at becoming who you want to be by actually being that person every day and eventually it will become a natural part of you.

Christ has paid the debt for our sins and has fallen to rock bottom. He is rock bottom, and He is the highest peak — He is everything — and He knows exactly how we feel and what we need to do to recover and rise above our circumstances!

God the Father has promised to forgive us when we turn to Christ and partake of His wondrous gift to us. We are never alone. God and Jesus Christ are and will always be with us — when we call upon God and when we are living in-line with His promised blessings. 

"Surely it follows that in singing the anthems of eternity, we should stand as close as humanly possible to the Savior- who has perfect pitch" 

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