Saturday, October 29, 2016

“Draw Nearer to God” : Inspiration for Improvement

As a woman, the world will try to tell me who I should be, what I should wear, how I should act, and why. I know that what the world wants, and what God wants are completely different. God wants me to come to Him in prayer, seeking for guidance through the darkness of this life. There are many role models, women who examplify qualities of Christ, and there are many women who do not. When we give our attention and aspirations to be like these women, it is imperative that we judge them righteously to recognize if the light of Christ is in their lives and focus our lives to improve. In Proverbs 31, there is great counsel for women of God, and how they should represent Christ! I should be doing good, seeking for service opportunities, opening spiritual doors for others to Come unto Christ, rising as an example, looking for the lost, considering the advice of Prophets, perceiving the whisperings of the spirit and needs of others, working to share God's word, making righteous choices, giving my love, time and talents, and being someone better!

As we strive to become the children of God that He desires and requires us to be, He will bless us with guidance, courage, strength, love, and happiness. We may not be perfect examples of Christ, charitable and faithful, but as we contueously press forward to achieve these characteristics of the Savior, we will feel His love for us and those we serve.

"10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. 

26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.

30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. 

31 Giver her the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates." 


Saturday, October 22, 2016

“Draw Nearer to God” : Trust in Him

There have been many times in my life when I've not understood what God was doing. I have to trust God and know that He's in charge and has a plan. Being at BYU, I've gone through many ups and downs, not seeing why I have the struggles that I do. I have had to pray fervently in order to feel comforted, without receiving direct answers.

I have struggled for a long time with sadness. It comes and goes, but mostly stays. Right now, I am feeling pretty good. I have just returned to the light from my darkness and thank God for it! I know I can turn to Him when I feel any emotion and I know that He is right there by my side! I don't understand why I feel this way, but I do know that it encourages me to turn to God more often! One day I will look back and see God's hand in my life, and I will be forever greatful for having the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life!

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In any decision, we need to turn to God! He wants us to come unto Him in everything though, action, emotion, and trial! By turning to the Light of the World, we can be inspired and feel at peace, even if the darkness doesn't completely leave! "There is light and hope ahead!" - Jefferey R. Holland.

In Proverbs 3:5-6, the admonition is to trust in God! This is one of my favorite scriptures, and I think of it all the time! It applies to all areas of my life, and has helped me come closer to God! Once you place your trust in Him, things work out for your benefit! 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

“Draw Nearer to God” : Serve

I have been greatly blessed to participate in so many wonderful service projects at BYU! There is such an amazing opportunity every week to work with service groups through Y-Serve. I wrote on this previously, but it is still so important to me!

At General Conference, Elder Carl B. Cook gave his talk on service and the vital role members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have in carrying out the great work of the Gospel. There are so many ways to serve others, and it is our responsibility to care for God's children.

The past two weeks I have been able to serve with Project Uplift, a service organization that helps Veterans and their families. Last week, me and a few others visited a Home for Veterans and it was awesome! As volunteers, we helped the elderly play Bingo and enjoy the afternoon's activities. I have come to love people through service, and this opportunity brought me closer to the elderly and learning to interact with them! This week, our project was to help with construction of a veteran's house that needs to be finished before winter! It was a quick, yet helpful service opportunity that introduced me to the elements of homebuilding.

I also realized that there are so many people in need of my help, in this life and beyond the veil. I have yet to visit the Temple, and I hope to do so soon! I know that the greatest service we can provide is the work done in the temples. Provo, Utah is blessed to have so many beautiful temples close by, within walking distance, and there is a great work yet to do! I know that God loves His children, that Christ atoned for me and for all of us! I know that Christ is the everlasting father of my salvation and I will do my best to bring the gospel to His children.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

“Draw Nearer to God” : He is Peace

I love General Conference! It was so inspiring and uplifting! One of my favorite quotes comes from Carol F. McConkie, she said "For us, miraculous healing, powerful protection, divine knowledge, liberating forgiveness, and precious peace are among the answers that come when we offer up a 'soul’s sincere desire' in faith" (October 2016) ! This statement is so powerful and I love the poetry of it! 

I like the entire phrase but the message most dear to me is "miraculous healing...precious peace." Jesus Christ is the ultimate healer, the master physician! He knows better than any what our problems are and how to fix them. He gives us time, and allows us to choose to go to Him! He will comfort us and in our greatest distresses, He alone provides the ultimate peace! 

God is my Heavenly Father, He gave me the gift of communication with Him through praryer in Jesus' name. I know that I need never feel alone because Heaven is simply a few words away! God is your Father in Heaven! He is as close as your heart, and communicating directly to Him comes through prayer! Though it may not be voices speaking, it is our souls pleading to God, our spirits connecting! This connection is powerful and if we seek answers, study diligently, and have faith, the Lord will bless us with answers. 

Saturday, October 1, 2016

“Draw Nearer to God” : God is Love

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf spoke in General Conference October 2016 on the wonderful Plan of Salvation and the attitude of gratitude we need to remember!

We are blessed with so much in life, that often times, those blessings are taken for granted and we even forget the goodness of God! One of the many wonderful messages I took from Uchtdorf's talk is that we need to "take courage," and trust in the Spirit of the Lord! He spoke on the guilt that can motivate us to do something; it makes us feel obligated to do what the Lord has commanded. This is a blessing when we need to repent, but instead of waiting until we feel guilty to do something, we should be consistenly trying to improve ourselves, and building our relationship with God.

Our motivation should really be our love for God!

I do feel motivated to do something, try something new, or say something in a particular situation by thinking of my future. If I would regret not doing something, then I will take courage to do it! I do this often enough to realize it is a habit of mine on how I make decisions in my life, and have come to appreciate God's hand in my life. I am typically an indecisive person when it comes to making immediate decisions, but this form of Godly motivation gets me to exeprience things that enrich my life! It is a form of spontaniety that keeps me happy and regret free! I do take this for granted as today I am only just thinking about it in depth! I am so grateful for General Conference and the divine inspiration we can each receive!

My motivation to become like God, is God himself! I am reminded that we cannot do anything to save ourselves, only the grace of God and the mercy of Jesus Christ through His Atonement, can bring me to God! I want to be like Christ and I want to gain eternal exaltation! Knowing that God loves me, that He is love, I find the joy in my journey to Christ and feel peace in my heart!

If I dedicate everything I do to God, then I am turning to Him, relying on Christ and His goodness! I am giving my will over to Him, and my desire to return home above is my motivation! Through the grace of Jesus Christ, I can improve myself and become a more devoted disciple of Him!
