Saturday, October 15, 2016

“Draw Nearer to God” : Serve

I have been greatly blessed to participate in so many wonderful service projects at BYU! There is such an amazing opportunity every week to work with service groups through Y-Serve. I wrote on this previously, but it is still so important to me!

At General Conference, Elder Carl B. Cook gave his talk on service and the vital role members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have in carrying out the great work of the Gospel. There are so many ways to serve others, and it is our responsibility to care for God's children.

The past two weeks I have been able to serve with Project Uplift, a service organization that helps Veterans and their families. Last week, me and a few others visited a Home for Veterans and it was awesome! As volunteers, we helped the elderly play Bingo and enjoy the afternoon's activities. I have come to love people through service, and this opportunity brought me closer to the elderly and learning to interact with them! This week, our project was to help with construction of a veteran's house that needs to be finished before winter! It was a quick, yet helpful service opportunity that introduced me to the elements of homebuilding.

I also realized that there are so many people in need of my help, in this life and beyond the veil. I have yet to visit the Temple, and I hope to do so soon! I know that the greatest service we can provide is the work done in the temples. Provo, Utah is blessed to have so many beautiful temples close by, within walking distance, and there is a great work yet to do! I know that God loves His children, that Christ atoned for me and for all of us! I know that Christ is the everlasting father of my salvation and I will do my best to bring the gospel to His children.

1 comment:

  1. You have always been such a tremendous influence and example! I absolutely love your heart and heavenly insights!
