Saturday, October 1, 2016

“Draw Nearer to God” : God is Love

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf spoke in General Conference October 2016 on the wonderful Plan of Salvation and the attitude of gratitude we need to remember!

We are blessed with so much in life, that often times, those blessings are taken for granted and we even forget the goodness of God! One of the many wonderful messages I took from Uchtdorf's talk is that we need to "take courage," and trust in the Spirit of the Lord! He spoke on the guilt that can motivate us to do something; it makes us feel obligated to do what the Lord has commanded. This is a blessing when we need to repent, but instead of waiting until we feel guilty to do something, we should be consistenly trying to improve ourselves, and building our relationship with God.

Our motivation should really be our love for God!

I do feel motivated to do something, try something new, or say something in a particular situation by thinking of my future. If I would regret not doing something, then I will take courage to do it! I do this often enough to realize it is a habit of mine on how I make decisions in my life, and have come to appreciate God's hand in my life. I am typically an indecisive person when it comes to making immediate decisions, but this form of Godly motivation gets me to exeprience things that enrich my life! It is a form of spontaniety that keeps me happy and regret free! I do take this for granted as today I am only just thinking about it in depth! I am so grateful for General Conference and the divine inspiration we can each receive!

My motivation to become like God, is God himself! I am reminded that we cannot do anything to save ourselves, only the grace of God and the mercy of Jesus Christ through His Atonement, can bring me to God! I want to be like Christ and I want to gain eternal exaltation! Knowing that God loves me, that He is love, I find the joy in my journey to Christ and feel peace in my heart!

If I dedicate everything I do to God, then I am turning to Him, relying on Christ and His goodness! I am giving my will over to Him, and my desire to return home above is my motivation! Through the grace of Jesus Christ, I can improve myself and become a more devoted disciple of Him!


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