Saturday, October 22, 2016

“Draw Nearer to God” : Trust in Him

There have been many times in my life when I've not understood what God was doing. I have to trust God and know that He's in charge and has a plan. Being at BYU, I've gone through many ups and downs, not seeing why I have the struggles that I do. I have had to pray fervently in order to feel comforted, without receiving direct answers.

I have struggled for a long time with sadness. It comes and goes, but mostly stays. Right now, I am feeling pretty good. I have just returned to the light from my darkness and thank God for it! I know I can turn to Him when I feel any emotion and I know that He is right there by my side! I don't understand why I feel this way, but I do know that it encourages me to turn to God more often! One day I will look back and see God's hand in my life, and I will be forever greatful for having the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life!

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In any decision, we need to turn to God! He wants us to come unto Him in everything though, action, emotion, and trial! By turning to the Light of the World, we can be inspired and feel at peace, even if the darkness doesn't completely leave! "There is light and hope ahead!" - Jefferey R. Holland.

In Proverbs 3:5-6, the admonition is to trust in God! This is one of my favorite scriptures, and I think of it all the time! It applies to all areas of my life, and has helped me come closer to God! Once you place your trust in Him, things work out for your benefit! 

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